
php modules that I need for wordpress

php modules that I need for my server, I’ll move for a wordpress

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July 17, 2023
Pinned Answer


To run WordPress on a server, you typically need several PHP modules installed and enabled. Here are some commonly required PHP modules for running WordPress:

  1. MySQL/MariaDB: WordPress relies on a database to store its content, and MySQL or MariaDB are commonly used database systems for WordPress.

  2. cURL: cURL is used by WordPress to make HTTP requests to external resources, such as plugin and theme updates or API integrations.

  3. XML: WordPress uses XML parsing for various tasks, including importing and exporting content.

  4. JSON: WordPress utilizes JSON for data exchange and communication with external services.

  5. GD Library: The GD library is necessary for image manipulation and thumbnail generation in WordPress.

  6. OpenSSL: OpenSSL is required for secure connections, such as HTTPS.

  7. Mbstring: The mbstring module enables WordPress to handle multibyte characters and perform string operations effectively.

  8. Zip: The Zip module allows WordPress to handle compressed files, which is useful for plugin and theme installations.

  9. SimpleXML: SimpleXML is used by WordPress to parse XML data.

  10. Imagick (optional): Imagick is an alternative image manipulation library that can be used instead of GD. It provides additional functionality for image processing in WordPress.

These modules are commonly required for WordPress, but the specific requirements may vary depending on the version of WordPress and any additional plugins or themes you use. It’s always a good idea to check the official WordPress documentation or consult the system requirements provided by your hosting provider for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

I am configuring the server


If you’re using DigitalOcean’s WordPress image to deploy a Droplet, then you won’t specifically need to install any additional modules or extensions, unless you’re wanting to add Memcached, Redis, etc (or other extensions from the PECL repository).

WorddPress only requires a compatible PHP version, MySQL (or MariaDB / Percona) and a Web Server such as Apache, NGINX or Caddy (to name a few).

Currently, the latest release requires at least PHP v5.6 or greater and MySQL v5.5 or greater.

Link: WordPress Requirements

Are you looking to use DigitalOcean’s pre-configured image or are you setting up the server on your own? If so, what web server are you using (NGINX, Apache, Caddy etc)?

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