Monitor your applications

Run your business smoothly by leveraging essential insights for your applications.

With DigitalOcean Monitoring, you can collect metrics for visibility, monitor Droplet performance, and receive alerts when problems arise in your infrastructure. With our partner SolarWinds, you can now extend visibility to your applications and services to create a holistic view of your environment.

With SolarWinds® APM products, you can create application-level metrics, trace transactions, monitor the performance of individual processes, and drill all the way down to the poorly-performing line of code.

The combined solution of DigitalOcean Monitoring and SolarWinds APM products empower you to run applications, infrastructure, and ultimately your business as smoothly as possible.


What’s the price of SolarWinds products?

PaperTrail offers a freemium plan, while AppOptics, Loggly, and Pingdom offer free 14 day trials. Check out the product pages for more details on pricing.

What’s the price of DigitalOcean Monitoring?

DigitalOcean Monitoring is included in our products at no additional cost.

How do I buy SolarWinds products?

You can buy the products directly from the SolarWinds website.

Will DigitalOcean send me a bill for SolarWinds products?

No. You will get a separate bill from SolarWinds.

Are SolarWinds products integrated into the DigitalOcean cloud control panel?

No. The SolarWinds products are standalone and are not integrated into DigitalOcean at this time.

What’s the difference between DigitalOcean Monitoring and SolarWinds products?

These products are complementary. DigitalOcean Monitoring helps you understand the state of your infrastructure’s hardware, while application monitoring from SolarWinds helps you understand the state of your software.