
Can not access to the application with ip

Hi, I created a kubernetes cluster. I created a deployment and service load balancer but I can not access the application through external IP.

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Hi there,

When you deploy an application in a DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes cluster and expose it using a Service of type LoadBalancer, DigitalOcean provisions a load balancer that directs traffic to the appropriate pods.

If you can’t access your application through the external IP, there could be several reasons:

  1. Verify the Service Status:

    Check the status of your Kubernetes service to make sure it’s up and has an external IP assigned:

    kubectl get svc

    Ensure that the service shows an EXTERNAL-IP and is not stuck in <pending> status.

  2. Service Port & Target Port:

    When defining your service, make sure the service’s port and the target port match the port your application is listening on within the container.

    For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
    app: my-app
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8080
  type: LoadBalancer

Here, the load balancer listens on port 80, but directs traffic to pods on port 8080.

Besides that, you need to ensure that your application is listening on and not If it’s listening only on localhost (, it won’t be accessible from outside the pod.

You can also try to, log into your DigitalOcean dashboard and navigate to the Networking -> Load Balancers section. Ensure your load balancer is correctly set up, is healthy, and is directing traffic to the correct droplets/nodes.

Besides all that, have you tried checking your application logs?

kubectl logs <pod-name>

And also describe the service to check for any events or issues:

kubectl describe svc <service-name>

Let me know how it goes!



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