
Do uptime checks contribute to outbound traffic for static sites?


I’m on the free tier and I’ve set up a static site with a few images and pages. I have also set up an uptime check for this site which checks the website from 4 different regions, once per minute.

The site has been only up for about a day, but I see that I’ve already exceeded the free 1GB outbound traffic that is included with the free tier. Are the frequent uptime checks contributing to this?

I had assumed that uptime checks would be excluded from the outbound traffic quotas, but maybe not?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 19, 2023

Hi there,

Uptime Checks are not tied to specific DigitalOcean datacenter regions or services so the traffic goes over the public internat. You may set up uptime monitoring on any URL or IP endpoint regardless of where it is hosted.

With uptime checks in 4 different regions running every minute, this makes 5760 requests to your site every day:

  • 1440 minutes in a day * 4 different locations = 5760 requests

Uptime checks are primarily used to monitor and alert when a server or service is down. These are particularly important for websites with a back-end where a variety of things could go wrong: database errors, server crashes, high server load, etc.

In contrast, static sites are much simpler. They consist of fixed content and are usually just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. When a request comes in, the server simply serves the requested file without needing to do any processing or database lookups. This means there’s less that can go wrong.

Moreover, static sites are served directly from a CDN, which are designed for high availability. As long as the files have been correctly deployed to the CDN, the site should be available nearly 100% of the time and there would be no need for uptime checks.

If you would still like to have your uptime checks in place, I would suggest:

  • Reduce the number of uptime regions to 1
  • Reduce the frequency of the checks to 10 minutes for example

Hope that this helps!



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