
Does it support file archiving operations

Does it support file archiving operations, or does it provide a cold storage tier?

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Site Moderator
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September 22, 2023

Heya s17tester

You can use or create manual archiving processes on DigitalOcean’s Spaces or Volumes, there is no limitation that can prevent you from doing so.

While you can use DigitalOcean’s storage solutions, such as Block Storage and Object Storage (Spaces), for various purposes, they are not specifically designed for long-term archival or cold storage use cases.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
September 7, 2023


I’ll try to answer your questions in the order asked

  1. File Archiving Operations:

    DigitalOcean doesn’t have a service explicitly designated as an “archiving” service like Amazon Glacier. However, you can always create your manual archiving processes by compressing and storing files on DigitalOcean Volumes (block storage) or DigitalOcean Spaces (object storage), depending on the nature and size of your data.

  2. Cold Storage Tier:

    DigitalOcean Spaces, which is an object storage service similar to Amazon S3, doesn’t offer a direct cold storage or infrequent access tier like Amazon’s S3 Infrequent Access or Glacier. All objects in DigitalOcean Spaces are kept in a standard access mode, meaning they are readily accessible all the time without additional retrieval delay.

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
September 7, 2023

Hey there! 😊

DigitalOcean offers a variety of products, each designed to cater to specific needs. For instance:

  • Spaces: This is our object storage service which can handle storing and serving large amounts of unstructured data, like images, videos, and backups.
  • Volumes: These are block storage solutions perfect for databases, file storage, or for expanding your droplet’s storage.

To give you more information, could you specify which DigitalOcean product you’re referring to? That way, I can guide you better on its file archiving capabilities or any cold storage tier options.



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