
Function timeout when trying to connect to managed Postgres Database

I have DO function like below which connect to managed PostgreSQL database and call a procedure, but function timeout when I invoke it through the control panel, I even tried increasing timeout duration and memory. (tried upto 1 min, 256MB of memory)

exports.main = async function main() {
  const { Client } = require("pg");


  console.log("Database URL:", process.env.DB_URL);

  const client = new Client({
    connectionString: process.env.DB_URL,

  _try_ {
    _await_ client.connect();
    _await_ client.query("CALL app.prcdre()");
  } _catch_ (err) {
  } _finally_ {
    _await_ client.end();


  - name: sample
      - name: dailyproc
        binary: false
        runtime: "nodejs:18"
        main: ""
        web: true
          DATABASE_URL: "${DB_URL}"
          timeout: 3000
          memory: 128
          - name: daily-payout-10pm
            sourceType: scheduler
              cron: "00 22 * * *"

ENV is set properly as I can see with the console log. Also note this database is also attached to app platform.

How could I resolve this timeout?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 17, 2023

Hi there,

It sounds like your function is deployed separately in a sandbox namespace rather than the App Platform. That would mean that the function is not part of the trusted sources of your database.

There are two workarounds here:

  • If possible, as a test, you can try temporarily disabling the trusted sources of your database cluster would accept connections from everywhere. This is not very recommended for security reasons.
  • Alternatively, you can deploy your function as part of the App Platform so that it would have access to the database via the allowed trusted sources, however, the downside here is that you would not have access to the beta scheduling feature.

Let me know how it goes.



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