Good day! I know that Digital Ocean recommends to use external email services and I want to know how to do it properly. I want to know how to implement my proton account into my droplet - (Linux based server,Ubuntu 20.04) in order to get external SMTP server. I try to put SMTP credentials for CMS on the Linux server that I get from ProtonMailBridge on my computer (Windows 10) but it doesn’t work. I entered SMTP hostname (both and, port, username, password) but got fsockopen(): unable to connect to … As far as I understand I need to install ProtonMailBridge on Linux server, then log in my account on this server, get SMTP credentials and then enter them on CMS as I truly get proton SMTP server on the Linux server. Could you explain me if my guess is right? Thanks in advance.
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Hi @johnberg,
I’ve not actually used ProtonMail before however and it seems Sergio has already explained how to configure it. What I’ll say additionally, is to use an external Mail service, you’ll need to point your MX record to them, that would be the first and most important change to do.
Once your MX is pointed to them, you’ll be able to receive messages on their platform.
Hi @johnberg,
Proton Mail Bridge is a desktop application that runs in the background, encrypting and decrypting messages as they enter and leave your computer. It lets you add your Proton Mail account to your favorite email client via IMAP/SMTP by creating a local email server on your computer.
With this ProtonMail email configuration, you can access your ProtonMail account from any desktop or mobile app that supports SMTP.
ProtonMail SMTP Settings
ProtonMail IMAP settings
Hope that helps you,
Sergio Turpín
msmtp with msmtp.service is the easy way to connect your droplet to an external SMTP server.