
New relic python agent on App platform

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to integrat my python fastapi application with new relic login. I can able to validate from my local environment, but not able to it worked from app platform.

Please guide us on this same.

Thanks, Sridhar

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
March 12, 2024


I believe that integrating the New Relic Python agent with a FastAPI application hosted on DigitalOcean’s App Platform should generally follow the same principles as setting it up locally, with some additional considerations for the platform’s specific environment.

  1. First, make sure that the New Relic Python agent is added to your application’s dependencies. If you’re using a requirements.txt file, you should have an entry like newrelic.

  2. You need to configure the New Relic agent in your application. This usually involves setting environment variables such as NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY and NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME. You can set these environment variables in the DigitalOcean App Platform’s app specification or through the web UI under the Settings tab of your app.

  3. To initialize the New Relic agent, you might need to modify your FastAPI application code. In some cases, this can be as simple as importing the New Relic agent at the top of your main application file (before any other imports):

    import newrelic.agent

    However, the exact integration process can depend on how your application is structured.

  4. Once you’ve made these changes, redeploy your application to the App Platform. Ensure that the deployment process picks up the changes, including the updated dependencies.

After deploying, check the New Relic dashboard to see if your application appears and is reporting data. It might take a few minutes for data to show up.

Let me know how it goes!



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