DigitalOcean's Navigators Program

Contribute your content, code, and community engagement to help others build and grow. Get recognized and rewarded in turn.

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What is DigitalOcean’s Navigators Program?

DigitalOcean’s Navigators is a program that supports and rewards people who create content, code, and/or community engagements related to DigitalOcean’s products and services. Once accepted into the program, Navigators benefit from DigitalOcean’s global reach, receive exclusive access to DigitalOcean’s team, and much more.

Using tools offered by DigitalOcean, Navigators are the people who learn and grow by helping other people on their journeys in the developer ecosystem.


What is required to be selected for the DigitalOcean’s Navigators Program?

You are an excellent candidate for the DigitalOcean’s Navigators Program if you are already immersed in the developer ecosystem and have found success in helping other people learn and build. Here are specific criteria required of Navigators:

  • Passion for teaching through writing, presenting, or community organization
  • Hands-on expertise with most of DigitalOcean’s products and services
  • Have extensive experience in at least one of these areas: writing technical tutorials, presenting at events, recording video courses, organizing community events, or creating,  maintaining, and/or contributing to open source projects
  • Hunger to learn and grow, help others along the journey, and champion inclusion
  • Consistent code, content, and/or community contributions throughout the year

What are the perks?

DigitalOcean’s Navigators are an extension of DigitalOcean and will be treated like members of the team. Some of the perks may include: cross-promotion via DigitalOcean’s networks, early access to products and features, direct links to DigitalOcean developer advocates/engineers/product managers, access to our famous swag, invitations to speak at events, and much more.


What people are saying

“I met DigitalOcean in 2014 when I was looking for a fixed-price cloud solution for a small business. The impact of simplicity and performance was so great that I became a fan. After that, I met a lot of amazing people there. A tip I would give to Navigators is: Open your mind, open your heart, and help others – that’s the key!” - Fernando Pimenta

“I use my experience to help other developers. My advice to all DigitalOcean Navigators is to help each other work together while engaging the community. The community DigitalOcean offers is unique, warm, and great. And I loved DigitalOcean for it’s community and tutorials before I even used any of its resources.”  - Mouhsen Ibrahim

“About 10 years ago I started a meetup group for cloud devs which grew to thousands of developers. I started working with DigitalOcean when they began supporting our community. I love the developer community and there are many opportunities to make a big difference. So go out into the community and start making it more friendly, more accessible, and more diverse.” - Ahmad Awais


What is the application process?

Apply, connect, create, promote, repeat

  • Apply: Apply to the program with your motivation for joining, samples of your relevant contributions (code, content, and/or community), and your plans for contributing in the year ahead.
  • Connect: If you’re accepted, you’ll be added to an internal portal for Navigators, included in a monthly email newsletter, and invited to the quarterly Navigator check-in.
  • Create: Once we’ve connected, it’s time for you to go off and do what you do best: create the content, code, and community engagement. We’ll help along the way.
  • Promote: After sharing your work with our team, we’ll help amplify your efforts and connect you with other community members and customers.
  • Repeat: Build a relationship with the team and continue to grow your skills.

Navigators are examples and champions of the Community Code of Conduct.

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