Just curious if there’s any webhook capability with Spaces? So like if I upload or delete something, I’d like my application to be notified with a webhook or callback.
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Hey @adamfoneil,
The DigitalOcean Spaces, similar to other object storage services, primarily focuses on providing scalable storage solutions. I believe that Spaces did not natively offer webhook functionality. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t implement a system to notify your application upon certain events like uploads or deletions.
For example, your application could periodically check the contents of your Space to detect changes. This is not real-time and can be resource-intensive but is a straightforward approach.
You could use the DigitalOcean serverless functions, and you can design a function that triggers on object creation or deletion within your Space. This function could then call your application’s webhook URL. So it would act as a proxy between your Spaces.
Also, the best thing to do to get your voice heard regarding this would be to head over to our Product Ideas board and post a new idea, including as much information as possible for what you’d like to see implemented.
Hope that helps!
- Bobby.