I see that each component plan comes with its own bandwidth allotment. The insights tab shows in general how much bandwidth is used, but its not exact.
How do you find the exact amount used so that you can make sure you dont go over?
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If you want the bandwidth usage for billing purposes, to check that currently, follow these steps:
If you are worried about going your billing limits, you could set billing alerts so that you would get notified in case you go over a specific threshold amount:
If you have another specific feature in mind, the best thing to do to get your voice heard regarding this would be to head over to the DigitalOcean Product Ideas board and post a new idea, including as much information as possible for what you’d like to see implemented.
Hope that helps!
- Bobby.
In additional to what Bobby mentioned, you can also use the below endpoints to fetch the bandwidth consumed by your Apps.
https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/api-reference/#operation/apps_get_metrics_bandwidth_daily https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/api-reference/#operation/apps_list_metrics_bandwidth_daily
Thank you, Swarn Suvarna.