
Can't access wp-admin after I pointed my domain to a server

Hi there,

After I pointed my domain to a server I would expect that I can still access the Wordpress admin area via http://[public IP]/wp-admin. However, that takes me to I didn’t find any redirect or A record or CNAME that points to the public IP. What can I do to be able to access my Wordpress admin area?

Many thanks


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Site Moderator
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July 31, 2023

Hey @felixwenzel73,

The behavior you’re seeing is likely due to the way WordPress is configured. When you installed WordPress, it saved the URL of your site (in this case, in its database. WordPress uses this URL to generate links and redirect traffic. So when you try to access your WordPress admin area via the IP address, WordPress redirects you to the URL it has stored in its database, hence why you end up at

If you want to access your WordPress admin via the IP address, you’ll need to temporarily change the site URL in the WordPress database.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your server where the WordPress is installed.
  2. Access your MySQL database. You might use phpMyAdmin or simply MySQL from the command line.
  3. Open the wp_options table.
  4. Look for siteurl and home in the option_name column.
  5. Change the option_value of both siteurl and home from to http://[public IP].
  6. Save your changes.

Alternatively, you can use wp-cli. WP-CLI is a command line interface for WordPress which is a much safer and recommended way to make such changes. You can check their website to install the tool first,

and then to use it, navigate to the WordPress installation directory ==> Use WP-CLI to update the siteurl and home options. Replace [public IP] with your actual public IP:

wp option update home http://[public IP]
wp option update siteurl http://[public IP]

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