After 2 Days of my Droplet running a windows server 2016, Today it does not allow me to connect via RDP. for 2 days it was smooth in and out on rdp but today when I wake up. I cannot log in anymore.
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Heya @chinkyherrera,
Are you sure the Droplet is online? Try to ping it and see if the ping respons to be sure it works. If the ping doesn’t work, reboot it.
Also can you connect to it via the Recovery Console?
Heya, @chinkyherrera
You can check if the droplet is running fine. If the droplet does not respond to ping requests you can do a power cycle. You can perform the reboot from your DigitalOcean account.
Another approach will be to use the recovery console and check if the droplet is stuck or some other activity occurs.
I’m also facing this problem. I can access it via Recovery Console and it’s fine, but I can’t access it through Remote Desktop Connection. The option to allow remote connections is still enabled. I’m wondering why this problem has appeared.