
Cannot connect to droplet - Error code

I have been able to connect to my droplet daily for the last two weeks, now i cannot connect via microsoft remoter desktop. i have tried restarting my xrdp but cannot connect. I can connect via ssh through the terminal but not remote desktop. I am on Mac os Intel. This is the error i receive:

We couldn’t connect to the remote PC. This might be because of a network problem. If this keeps happening, contact your network administrator for assistance.

Error code: 0x704

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I am having the same issue. it is so dissapointing that digital ocean knows that this is a mega issue where all users run into and are looking for a solution and they are uncapable to respond and post a solution. this is the typical case where it doesnt matter how grate their technology can be but support is just a disaster. Digital ocean, you just lost a customer

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 22, 2023

Hello @developerssquid

You can check if the xrdp service is running. The service might have crashed and now causing the connectivity issues for you.

To check the status run:

  1. sudo systemctl status xrdp

and to start it:

  1. sudo systemctl start xrdp

This will be a good starting point to troubleshoot the issue. If there are error messages in the following log you can share them here - /var/log/xrdp-sesman.log


Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 20, 2023

Hey @developerssquid,

Is your Droplet online? Try to ping it and see. If it’s not only, try rebooting it and then checking the logs for the reason it went offline.

If it’s online and pinging, try to SSH to it using the debug mode:

ssh -vvv root@YourDroplet_IP

Post the debug message if the Droplet was online and you couldn’t SSH to it.

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