
CDN url of the images in Spaces Object Storage load slows and timeout


I am using Space Object Storage to store the user’s photos. I added the custom CDN domain. When the client uses the CDN URL for the photos to load on their apps then the image keeps loading failing with a timeout error. When I tried to use the original URL, it worked. How can I fix it?

Thank you so much.

Kind regards, Kien.

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November 9, 2023

Heya, @kienvtqhi

Take a moment to go over the CDN setup for your custom domain. Ensure that every configuration detail is spot on, and pay special attention to any typos or missteps that might have slipped through the cracks. It’s these small details that can sometimes be the culprits behind those elusive timeout errors.

Just like waiting for a favorite dish to cook, DNS changes need some time to spread and settle. If you’ve recently set up your custom domain, consider giving it a bit more time. Grab a coffee, take a short break, and come back to check on it. Sometimes, a little patience is all it takes for the DNS magic to fully unfold. Oh, and don’t forget to clear that DNS cache – it’s like giving your project a fresh start.

Hope that this helps!

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