
Connecting Adminer to sqlite3 DB in docker-compose-yml

I have a Directus 10.6 instance running here on DO, setup via docker-compose.yml and using a sqlite3 DB. Now I would like to use Adminer to administer the DB, but unfortunately I cannot get it to work. This is my docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'
    image: redis:7
      - jvds
      - .env

    image: directus/directus:10.6.1
      - 8056:8055 # external:internal
      - ./uploads:/directus/uploads
      - ./database:/directus/database
      - ./extensions:/directus/extensions
      - jvds
      - cache_jvds
      - .env

    image: 'adminer:standalone'
      - 8080:8080
      - directus_jvds
      - jvds
      - .env

    name: jvds
    external: true

Adminr should open on if I am not mistaken. Can anybody tell me, why this is not working?

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September 5, 2023


I have a few suggestions for you to go over as from what you’ve given as information looks alright.

  1. Docker Compose Up: First, ensure you have run docker-compose up -d to start the services. You should see all services start without errors. If there’s an error, it should give you some information on what might be going wrong.

  2. Check Running Containers: Use docker ps to see if all the containers (Adminer, Directus, and Redis) are up and running. If any of them has exited or shows a restart loop, that’s a clue.

  3. Adminer Service: The Adminer service is set to map port 8080 of the host to port 8080 of the container. This means if you access, it should indeed bring up Adminer’s interface.

    • SSL Configuration: Since you’re using https://, it implies SSL is set up. However, the adminer:standalone image doesn’t handle SSL by default. If you don’t have an external SSL proxy set up, you might want to try accessing Adminer over HTTP instead:

    • Firewall: Ensure that your DigitalOcean droplet firewall settings allow incoming traffic on port 8080.

  4. Logs: If you can’t figure out the problem from the running containers, look at the logs:

docker-compose logs adminer_jvds

This should show you if the Adminer service has encountered any errors or issues.

  1. Accessing SQLite via Adminer: Once you get Adminer running, to connect to the SQLite database used by Directus, you’ll need to:

    • Set the database type to SQLite3 in Adminer.
    • The database server can be left empty or set to localhost.
    • For the database field, use the full path to the SQLite file. Given your volumes mapping, it might be /directus/database/[your_database_name].db. Ensure that this SQLite file has the correct permissions to allow Adminer to read and write.
  2. Ensure Network Connectivity: Given that all your services are on the same network (jvds), they should be able to communicate with each other. However, ensure that the jvds network is correctly set up and doesn’t have any restrictions.

Lastly, if you’ve made changes based on this troubleshooting, don’t forget to restart your Docker services.

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