
[CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT - How can i reach gunicorn timeout settings?

I’m getting a “[CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT” error when I try to perform an action by clicking a button on my site deployed on DigitalOcean. What should I do? Maybe i can solve with gunicorn settings but i can not find anything about gunicorn.

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June 21, 2023

Heya @62dfd9df520c436686e71aa8cfb655,

The [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT error message from Gunicorn typically means that your web application is taking too long to respond to a request. In other words, the worker process is taking longer than the configured timeout duration to complete its work.

Here’s what you can do to diagnose and hopefully fix this issue:

Increase Gunicorn timeout setting: You may increase the timeout duration for Gunicorn workers to respond. This can be useful if your application often takes longer than 30 seconds (the default) to process requests. The -t or --timeout flag can be used to set a higher value. For instance, to set the timeout to 60 seconds, your command to start Gunicorn might look like:

gunicorn myproject.wsgi:application --timeout 60

Note that this is a band-aid solution and it’s usually better to try and improve the performance of your application, or offload long running tasks to a task queue or a background job system.

Enable Gunicorn’s debug mode: Running Gunicorn with the --debug flag will enable debug logging. This might help you figure out what’s causing the worker processes to take too long to respond. Keep in mind that this mode should only be used for debugging and not in production. Example:

gunicorn myproject.wsgi:application --debug

Check your application code: Inspect your application code to see if there are any long running or blocking tasks that might be causing the timeout. This might be a database query that’s taking too long, or a third-party API that your app is waiting on.

Async Workers: If your app handles a lot of I/O bound tasks (like network requests), consider using Gunicorn’s asynchronous worker types. Gunicorn offers worker types based on greenlets (gthread), and coroutines (gevent). Here’s an example of how to use the gthread worker type with a thread count of 2:

gunicorn myproject.wsgi:application -k gthread -w 3 --threads 2

Resource Constraints: Ensure that your server has enough resources (CPU, Memory) to handle the load. If your application is resource-intensive, you might need to upgrade your server.

Remember to make these changes in your Gunicorn configuration file or your service configuration if you’re using something like systemd or Supervisor to manage your Gunicorn process.

The optimal solution will depend on your specific situation, the nature of your application, and the resources available to you.

Additionally, depending on what you are using either Nginx or Apache, check the error logs there, they will give you more information on the matter.

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