
Deploy Docker Image from Turbo Repo To DO Apps

I have a local server nodejs repository that I am pushing to Container Registry which in turn triggers a build on DO Apps.

My Dockerfile is not in the root though but under /apps/server/Dockerfile since I am using Turborepo. To point this out to DO, I added this file under the root of the repository: /.do/app.yaml

It contains this:

  - name: <NAME OF MY APP>
    type: docker
    repository:<REGISTRY NAME>/<IMAGE NAME>:latest
    dockerfile_path: apps/server/Dockerfile

I can see that the deployment is kicked of when I push to the container repository but it fails immediately:

[server] [2023-05-31 18:34:10] starting container: starting sub-container [yarn workspace @my-server start:prod]: creating process: failed to load /usr/bin/yarn: exec format error

What is going on here? It seems like it is recognizing my Dockerfile under apps/server since it has the right start command: yarn workspace @my-server start:prod But why is it trying to load yarn from usr/bin/yarn?

Thanks for any help

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
June 1, 2023

Hi there,

If I understand this correctly, I think that you’ve combined two separate concepts which might be conflicting:

  • You might want to deploy a pre-build image directly from the DigitalOcean container registry:

That way you don’t have to build anything as the image would already be pre-built and available on there.

- http_port: 8080
      enabled: true
    registry_type: DOCR
    repository: test-image
    tag: latest
  instance_count: 1
  instance_size_slug: basic-xxs
  name: test-image
  • Or you might want to deploy using a Dockerfile, in which case, you need to provide a Git repository where your project will be cloned from and then the Dockerfile provided will be used to build the project:

name: sample-dockerfile
- name: web
    branch: main
  dockerfile_path: Dockerfile

Let me know if I am missing anything!



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