
Do Digital Ocean App Specifications support wildcards for URL rewrites and redirects?

Hi Digital Ocean Community,

I host a static personal website on Digital Ocean App Platform. I want every request that excludes the .html extension to redirect to the .html page. Currently I have to write each of these rules individually per page, as shown below.

For example: ->302->

Is there any way I can use a wildcard instead to condense this App Specification? Or even better, rewrite all *.html pages to have no extension so there is no redirect?

  - component:
      name: tobkin-static-html
        prefix: /
  - match:
        prefix: /index
      redirect_code: 301
      uri: /index.html
  - match:
        prefix: /resume
      redirect_code: 301
      uri: /resume.html
  - match:
        prefix: /contact
      redirect_code: 301
      uri: /contact.html
  - match:
        prefix: /office-hours
      redirect_code: 301
      uri: /office-hours.html

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I believe that the DigitalOcean App Platform doesn’t currently support wildcard URL rewrites or redirects directly within the App Spec configuration. Each route has to be specified individually, as you’ve been doing.

The best thing to do to get your voice heard regarding this would be to head over to the DigitalOcean Product Ideas board and post a new idea, including as much information as possible for what you’d like to see implemented.

Hope that helps!

- Bobby.

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