
DO Droplet Performs Differently than other Servers - With errors

Ok… this is an odd one…

  1. I am attempting to access a 3rd party api
  2. when i pass my curl command locally to the api > all is well
  3. when i pass same exact command from any DO droplet, I get an error.
  4. I tried different flavors: ubuntu, centos and debian. i tried NY, Frankfort and Bangalor…all DO droplets > same error.
  5. from any desktop anywhere >> no error
  6. so i decided to rent a VPS from another competitor of DO, >>no error
  7. how is this possible? what could DO do that makes their servers throw a cURL error?
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These answers are provided by our Community. If you find them useful, show some love by clicking the heart. If you run into issues leave a comment, or add your own answer to help others.

If a DigitalOcean (DO) Droplet is performing differently or encountering errors compared to other servers, there could be various reasons behind the discrepancies. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting steps you can take to address them:

  1. Server Specifications: Ensure that the DO Droplet’s hardware specifications (CPU, RAM, Disk) are comparable to the other servers you are comparing it with. Inadequate resources may lead to performance differences.

  2. Load and Traffic: Check if there is a difference in the load and incoming traffic between the DO Droplet and other servers. Higher traffic can impact performance and cause errors.

  3. Network Connectivity: Verify if there are any networking issues that could affect the DO Droplet’s performance. Check network latency, packet loss, and firewall settings.

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 17, 2023

Heya @fasbit0e6299492ed096cf92da

You can check if your droplet can correctly resolve the API’s domain by using curl or nslookup commands.

If your desktop successfully connects to the API through a VPN or Proxy, your droplet might not be whitelisted by the API provider. You can check this by reaching out to the API provider.

This can also be a Firewall issue, so you can ensure that no outbound connections are being blocked by your droplet’s firewall. You can check this by using the iptables or ufw commands.

Hope that this helps!

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 17, 2023

Hey @fasbit0e6299492ed096cf92da,

It’s unusual to be honest however there are a couple of things you can check:

Check your Firewall: When you create a Droplet check if the UFW firewall is active and if it’s allowed on the port you are using your API ** Try Telnet**: When you SSH to your Droplet try to use telnet to connect to the API to see if that is possible.

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