
Docker gunicorn set up

Hi, I am able to built the docker image successfully. When I run the “docker images” it shows me my docker image. After that when I run the command:

docker run --env-file env digital_worlds:v0 sh -c “python makemigrations && python migrate” it gives me the error:

docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: “gunicorn”: executable file not found in $PATH: unknown.

Although gunicorn is installed in my requirements.txt file .

Please provide me some help on this .

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October 23, 2023


The error you’re encountering indicates that the Docker container is unable to find the gunicorn executable in its PATH. To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check Your Dockerfile: First, make sure that you have correctly installed gunicorn in your Docker image. It should be installed inside the image during the image building process. Ensure that your Dockerfile contains a line to install the required Python packages, including gunicorn, something like this:
# Install Python packages
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

If this line is missing or gunicorn is not included in your requirements.txt file, add it.

  1. Rebuild the Docker Image: After making sure gunicorn is correctly included, rebuild your Docker image. Run the following command in the directory where your Dockerfile is located:
docker build -t your_image_name:tag .

Replace your_image_name:tag with the actual name and tag you want for your image.

  1. Run the Docker Container: Once the image is rebuilt, try running your container again, making sure to replace "gunicorn ..." with the correct command you want to run. For example:
docker run --env-file env your_image_name:tag sh -c "python makemigrations && python migrate && gunicorn ..."

Replace "gunicorn ..." with the actual command you use to start your Django application with gunicorn.

  1. Check the Container Command: Ensure that the gunicorn command in your Docker container command (CMD or ENTRYPOINT in your Dockerfile) is correctly specified. It should be something like:
CMD ["gunicorn", "your_app.wsgi:application"]

Replace "your_app.wsgi:application" with the correct import path for your Django application’s WSGI file.

  1. Check for PATH Configuration: If gunicorn is installed in a non-standard location or you have specific PATH configurations in your Docker image, make sure that the PATH to gunicorn is correctly set. You can explicitly specify the PATH when running the container like this:
docker run --env-file env your_image_name:tag sh -c "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/gunicorn && python makemigrations && python migrate && gunicorn ..."

Replace /path/to/gunicorn with the actual path to the gunicorn executable inside your Docker image.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and run your Django application with gunicorn in your Docker container. Ensure that your Docker image includes all the necessary dependencies, including gunicorn, for your Django application to run successfully.

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