
Docker Nginx-proxy and letsencrypt not working

Hi, I’m writing this out of frustration, after reading all available tutorials and docs, but apparently I’m missing something important.

I want to revamp my website [MYDOMAIN] using docker and create a static website, a POSTGRES container, and some Dockerized apps. I started out registering MYDOMAIN on Digital Ocean Network section with www and without. Then: I cloned and started I cloned Create a .env with my Digital Ocean IP:

# Set the IP address of the external access Interface

After that if I run:


And I get “it works” results then I run ./

After that I registered a subdomain portainer.MYDOMAIN I cloned And updated the following parameters:


Then I try to visit all my domains and portainer domains always with different errors.

Can somebody point me in the right direction or suggest a tutorial?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
May 11, 2023

Hi there,

There are a few things that I could suggest:

First, let’s make sure that your domain is pointing to the correct IP address. You can do this by using dig or nslookup commands:

dig +short

This should return your DigitalOcean Droplet’s IP address.

Next, it seems there might be a misunderstanding about the IP in your .env file. The IP= line should probably be the external IP of your DigitalOcean droplet, not

The nginx-proxy and docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion containers should handle the reverse proxy and SSL for your applications, so you don’t need to worry about configuring those individually for each service.

When you’re setting up your docker-portainer-letsencrypt environment variables, make sure the path to your SSL certificates is correct, and that the certificates are valid. The docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion should handle the creation and renewal of these certificates, but you’ll want to double-check.

Here’s an example of what your docker-portainer-letsencrypt configuration might look like:,,

With this setup, nginx-proxy and docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion should handle the reverse proxy and SSL, and you can focus on setting up your applications in Docker.

As for a tutorial, this DigitalOcean tutorial is a comprehensive guide that goes over setting up a Node.js application with Docker, nginx-proxy, and Let’s Encrypt, and should be helpful even though it’s not exactly your use case.

Also, remember that DNS changes may take a while to propagate, and SSL issues might be due to DNS caching or certificate caching.



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