
Does droplet support SCTP protocol?

Does droplet support SCTP protocol? I need to test 5g core network on the cloud so the server need to support SCTP.

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Hi there,

The DigitalOcean Droplets, being virtual private servers running on Linux, inherently should support the SCTP protocol at the OS level since Linux has built-in support for SCTP. Therefore, you can run applications that utilize the SCTP protocol on DigitalOcean Droplets.

You can use modinfo to get detailed information about a kernel module:

modinfo sctp

If the module exists, you will see information about it. If the module is not found, you’ll receive an error message.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Firewall Rules: If you’re using DigitalOcean’s Cloud Firewalls or the ufw firewall on the server, you will need to ensure that SCTP traffic is allowed. By default, most firewalls will block incoming traffic unless you explicitly allow it.

  2. Kernel Modules: The SCTP support in Linux is provided by kernel modules. While these should be loaded by default when SCTP traffic is initiated or received, you might sometimes need to manually load them using modprobe sctp.

  3. Cloud Providers and SCTP: Historically, some cloud providers had limitations or blocking on certain protocols at their network level. It’s always a good idea to double-check current DigitalOcean documentation or reach out to their support to ensure SCTP isn’t restricted. You can use the sctp_test command to test this out:

If you plan to run critical or production-level systems, always run comprehensive tests after setting up your environment to ensure that everything works as expected and that there are no hidden issues related to SCTP or any other protocol you might be using.

Hope that this helps.



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