
Domain name propagation is not getting resolved after updating of 72 hours.

Hello, I have updated all my Digitalocean 3 Name Servers into my domain provider with new name servers. it is already more than 72 hours, but still it is not resolved. still it is showing red.

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 8, 2024

Heya @a2eb27a997724ff1aa32e0a3048231,

You are correct, it does need to be quicker. Check if your Nameservers are properly written:

Check for typos and replace the above with yours.

Additionally, did you add your DNS in the DigitalOcean control Panel?

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 6, 2024

Hey there!

Indeed, it should definitely be much quicker. First things first, I would recommend double-check the name server settings. Sometimes, a tiny typo can throw things off, so it’s worth going back to your domain provider’s control panel to confirm that the DigitalOcean name servers are entered correctly. They should be something like,, and

Also, have you added your domain to your DigitalOcean control panel?

I would also suggest running a whois check and checking the domain status, if your domain is with status OnHold this would explain why the DNS is not propagating and you would need to contact your domain provider to get this sorted.

If you’re still stuck, it might be helpful to use a DNS checker like This tool can show you how your DNS is propagating around the world, which can be super useful for pinpointing the issue.

If everything seems in order but you’re still not seeing the changes take effect, it might be time to reach out to your domain provider. They might have some additional insights or be able to spot something that’s not quite right.

Hope this helps, and your site is up and running smoothly soon! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Best of luck!


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