
ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS after renewing Let's Encrypt Certificate; Roundcube Login page no longer displaying

I’m following this tutorial:

After successful completion of renewing cert, my roundcube login page will no longer display and I’m getting the following error when trying to access the website via Google Chrome:

This page isn’t working redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

Sorry as I’m rather new to this. Is something pointing in the wrong direction in a config file perhaps?

Please let me know if providing screenshots will help. Thank you in advance!

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
June 9, 2023

Hi there,

I’ve noticed that you’ve already got your Roundcube up and running using your new SSL certificate. Happy to see that you’ve got it all sorted out! If you have the time, would you mind sharing your solution here with the community? It will be highly appreciated!

In general, I could suggest a couple of things:

Here are some steps you can follow to debug and solve this problem:

  1. Check your NGINX Configuration: Your error could be due to incorrect configuration in your NGINX server block files. Double-check the configuration for any unnecessary or incorrect redirections, especially from HTTP to HTTPS or non-www to www. Also, check to make sure that the SSL certificate paths are correct and that the server name matches the name on the certificate.

  2. Inspect Roundcube’s Configuration: If the NGINX configuration looks fine, the issue might be in Roundcube’s configuration. Look for any redirections there and check if they match with what you have in your NGINX configuration.

  3. Browser Cookies and Cache: Sometimes, such problems can be due to cookies stored in your browser. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies and access the site again.

  4. Error Logs: Check both NGINX and Roundcube error logs for any suspicious entries that might suggest where the problem is.



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