
error accessing external endpoint kubernetes in digital ocean

Guys, I deployed a .NET WEB API application to Kubernets, however, when I try to access the external endpoint provided by LoadBalancer, nothing returns, do I need to configure anything else? Can anyone help me?

my configuration;


apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: Deployment


  name: car-companie-deployment


    app: car-companie-deployment


  replicas: 1



      app: car-companie-deployment




        app: car-companie-deployment



      - name: car-companie-container

        image: <IMAGE>


        - containerPort: 80


apiVersion: v1

kind: Service


  name: car-companie-service



    app: car-companie-deployment


  - protocol: TCP

    port: 80

    targetPort: 80

  type: LoadBalancer


images pods :

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
October 16, 2023

Hi there,

There are a few things that I could suggest checking in order to further troubleshoot the issue that you are facing:

  1. First, check the status of the service to ensure the LoadBalancer has provisioned an external IP:

    kubectl get svc car-companie-service

    If the “EXTERNAL-IP” is still pending, that means the LoadBalancer is still provisioning, and you’ll need to wait. If an IP is listed, that’s the IP you’ll use to access your service.

  2. Ensure that your .NET API application inside the container is indeed listening on port 80. If it’s listening on a different port, you’ll need to adjust the containerPort value accordingly.

  3. Ensure the pods associated with the deployment are running correctly.

    kubectl get pods -l app=car-companie-deployment

    Check for any restarts or issues with the pods.

  4. Inspect the logs of a pod to see if there are any error messages or startup issues:

    kubectl logs [POD_NAME] -c car-companie-container

    Replace [POD_NAME] with one of the pod names from the previous command.

  5. Try accessing the application within the cluster to see if it’s an external issue or if the app itself isn’t responding:

    kubectl run -it --rm debug --image=busybox -- sh wget -qO- http://car-companie-service

    This will try to access your service from a temporary pod within the cluster.

Let me know how it goes and feel free to share the extra details that you’ve gathered here so I could try to advise you further!



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