
Error Failed to validate name servers..

Im trying to add a new ssl certificate to my subdomain space, and Im getting the error bellow, “failed to validate nameserver records: a non DigitalOcean Name Server was found for domain.” My domain is on hostinger, I ve changed the nameservers, all working great for the main domain for a long time, but when I m trying to create the cert for the subdomain of the space through the panel panel digitalocean Im getting the above error. Any thoughts?

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Hi there,

The error you’re encountering suggests that at least one of the nameservers for isn’t set to DigitalOcean’s nameservers.

If you were to use the following DNS lookup tool, do you get the correct NameServers back:

Also, just to confirm, you’ve added your main domain name as a domain name to your DigitalOcean account and also updated your NameServers to the DigitalOcean ones correct?


If the above has not been done yet I could suggest adding your main domain name to your DigitalOcean account:

  • Log in to your DigitalOcean Control Panel.
  • Go to Networking and then Domains.
  • Ensure that is listed. If not, you need to add it.
  • Ensure all required DNS records for your domain and subdomain are correctly set up here. This is where DigitalOcean expects to find them if you’re using its nameservers.

After making that change keep in mind that it can take up to 24 hours for the DNS cache to clear over the Globe before you could see the new records.

If after checking these points you’re still facing issues, it might be worth reaching out to DigitalOcean’s support with specifics. They should be able to assist in diagnosing any nuances related to your account or their infrastructure.

Let me know how it goes!



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