
Estou sem caminho para um erro em meu droplet!

My system has been having constant stops for a few weeks, at first it was from week to week, but in the last days it has been constant, it can even have 2 stops in one day. The message I receive in the browser is a blue screen as shown in the image 1. When I go to see the logs, I have these messages that are image 2!

image 1 image 2

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 18, 2023

Hi there,

Unfortunately the images do not seem to be available anymore. Here are a few general steps to consider for further troubleshooting the problem:

  1. Share More Information: It would be beneficial if you can provide more detailed information about your system. Things like operating system version, hardware specifications, any recent software or hardware changes, and the specific text of error messages on the blue screen or in logs would help in diagnosing the issue.

  2. Server Upgrade: If your system is running with low resources (RAM, CPU, Disk Space), it might cause some of these problems. Upgrading your server hardware or expanding the server resources could be a potential solution. This might include adding more RAM, using a faster CPU, or increasing the size of your hard drive.

  3. Restore a Backup: If you have a recent backup before the problem started to occur, you could consider restoring your system to that state. It is crucial to ensure you have recent backups to prevent any data loss.

  4. Check the Logs: Check your system logs for any error messages or anomalies that could indicate the cause of the problem. System logs often contain detailed information about the system’s operations and any problems it encounters.



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