
Failed SSH connections on ports that are closed in the Firewall

I have a droplet running Debian 11. I use a Digital Ocean cloud firewall that allows incoming traffic on 80, 443 and a non-standard port for SSH, let’s say 20202. I’ve noticed that /var/log/auth.log contains pairs of lines like this:

sshd[214153]: error: kex_exchange_identification: banner line contains invalid characters
sshd[214156]: banner exchange: Connection from port 56694: invalid format

I interpret this to mean that this IP in Viet Nam connected to my droplet and communicated with sshd on port 56694, which is not the SSH port I use and which is not opened to incoming traffic on the firewall.

A stack overflow post explains this error as follows: “note that ssh reports this error when connecting to a webserver (https) by mistake instead of a sshd.”

However, there is no entry like this in the log if I attempt to SSH to the droplet on port 443. Though I do get a key exchange error on the client side:

$ ssh -p 443 me@[my droplet IP]
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Connection closed by [my droplet IP] port 443

My question is this: How and why is my droplet reporting traffic to sshd on a port that is not opened in Digital Ocean’s firewall?

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Site Moderator
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May 2, 2023

Hey @mattd12d,

The port mentioned in the log (56694) is the source port from which the client ( is connecting to your server. It does not represent the destination port on your server where the SSH daemon (sshd) is listening.

The source port is usually a random high-numbered port assigned by the client’s operating system for each new outgoing connection. The destination port on your server is the one that should be restricted by the Digital Ocean firewall rules.

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