
Flask app mysteriously shuts off...

Hello. I created a flask app in a digital ocean droplet. I ran the Python script and made sure it was working, then I closed the terminal. The script should run forever, but I woke up this morning to complaints from a customer saying the flask app is down. I logged into my droplet and ran the script again and everything is working now, but I am worried that this will happen again. Is there a maximum execution time for Python scripts on a droplet? How can I make sure my script is always running?

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December 18, 2023

Heya @tylersquid,

How are you running your Flask app? Maybe you should look into a process manager like pm2 which restarts your Program on failure or Gunicorn.

It’s possible your Droplet killed your application due to a lack of resources as well.

Here is the article on how to configure Gunicorn with your App:

Alternatively, as mentioned you can use pm2.

Install PM2: If you haven’t installed PM2 yet, you can do so using npm (Node Package Manager). Make sure you have Node.js installed first.

npm install pm2 -g

Start Your Flask App with PM2: Use PM2 to start and manage your Flask app:

pm2 start "Command you run to start your Flask APp" --name "your-app-name"

Replace "your-app-name" with a suitable name for your application. Replace ""Command you run to start your Flask APp" with a the command you use to run the application.

Save the PM2 Process List: Save the current process list to ensure PM2 restarts your app after a system reboot:

pm2 save

Monitor and Manage: You can monitor your app’s logs, restart it, or stop it using PM2 commands:

  • To view logs: pm2 logs
  • To restart: pm2 restart your-app-name
  • To stop: pm2 stop your-app-name

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