
Flask With Websockets on App platform.

the problem im facing is that from my html/js when i connect the the endpoint provided by the appplatform the connetion just polls and doesnt connect where is i go to the same endpoint where ive got a normal get resp all works, but no the web socket.

any ideas?

from_ flask _import_ Flask, session, render_template, request, \
    redirect, url_for, g, send_file, Blueprint, jsonify, make_response, Response
_from_ flask_socketio _import_ SocketIO, emit
_# from flask_cors import CORS
__from_ functools _import_ wraps
_import_ settings
_import_ json
_import_ uuid
_import_ jwt

git_head_hash = uuid.uuid4()

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = settings.FLASK_SECRET_KEY

socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins='*')

@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
_def_ status_check():
    _return_ "App is active!"

_def_ handle_message(message):
    user_message = message['data']
    token = message['token']
    _# Your chatbot logic goes here to process the user_message and generate a response
_    bot_response = 'hello there'
    emit('response', {'data': bot_response})

_if_ __name__ == '__main__':, port=5001, debug=_True_, allow_unsafe_werkzeug=_True_)

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