
FreeBSD - - Any intent to restore formal support?

As I’ve pointed out before here (and in a formal support request) I found the reason that FreeBSD had some issues with cloud-init before and fixed them – it was a literal one-line change in Digital Ocean’s setup.

FreeBSD has now announced, with 14.1, that they are formally supporting cloudinit – from their release notes (still in process, as 14.1 is in “Release Candidate” status at present):

14.1-RELEASE supports cloudinit, including the nuageinit startup script and support for a config-drive partition. It is compatible with OpenStack and many hosting facilities. See the cloud-init web site and the commit messages, 16a6da44e28d 227e7a205edf. (Sponsored by OVHCloud)

Given this will Digital Ocean be restoring FreeBSD as a formal choice? I’ve got it working perfectly-well with 13.x however, other than by cloning an existing droplet I cannot set up new ones with full functionality as using an ISO or cloud image as the base Digital Ocean at present does not permit initializing IPv6, which I need for my uses.

Thanks in advance.

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
May 30, 2024

Hey @karldenninger,

I don’t think that there are any officially announced plans for this.

I saw that you’ve already posted this on the DigitalOcean ideas board. I’m sharing a link to the idea here so that other people could find it and upvote and comment as well:

I just upvoted the idea as well.

- Bobby.

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