Hello, I have a FreePBX machine installed on DigitalOcean. Can I possibly download a backup, delete FreePBX droplet and bring it back later when I need it again?
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You cannot currently download DigitalOcean backups or snapshots.
As an alternative, we recommend backing up and downloading your data with SnapShooter. You can also use third-party tools like rsync or SFTP.
To share your support for this feature, vote for downloading snapshots and backups on ideas.digitalocean.com.
Hi there,
In addition to what KFSys mentioned here, what you could also do is to take a snapshot of your Droplet and keep the snapshot instead of the Droplet:
That way it will be more cost effective and the snapshot will be stored securely under your DigitalOcean account, so you will be able to spin up a new Droplet easily at any time.
Snapshots are charged at only $0.06 per GB per month for Droplets and $0.06 per GiB per month for volumes.
Hope that this helps!
- Bobby
Hello, @tpglitch
On top of what’s already been mentioned you can create a full backup within FreePBX and use it later on when it’s needed. You can find more information here: