
How can I configure OpenVPN clients to be visible to each other?

I just did a fresh 1-click install of OpenVPN. Clients connect to the VPN without problem, but even though I think I have all the necessary settings, I can’t communicate my two clients as if they were on the same network.

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November 30, 2023


You can examine the logs on your OpenVPN server for any error messages or issues. Common log locations include /var/log/openvpn.log or /var/log/syslog. Look for any clues indicating problems with network routing or connectivity.

Another thing to check is that the firewall on your OpenVPN server allows traffic between the connected clients. You may need to configure rules to permit traffic between the VPN clients.

You can review the client configurations to ensure they have the correct settings. Pay attention to parameters such as dev, proto, remote, ifconfig, and route in your OpenVPN client configuration files.

Also sometimes, restarting the OpenVPN service can resolve certain issues. Restart both the server and client services to see if it makes a difference.

Remember to make changes carefully and document them, so you can revert if needed. If the issue persists, examining the specific configurations and logs will likely reveal more information about the problem.

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