
How to add the dynamic date on sidekiq-scheduler in rails

I have added the sidekiq scheduler by using sidekiq-scheduler gem in rails, but we are unable to add the dynamic date on the scheduler. Any one idea how to change scheduler in dynamic.

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July 31, 2023


If you need to schedule jobs dynamically with Sidekiq, you can use the perform_at or perform_in methods which allow you to set a specific date or delay for when the job should be performed.

Here’s an example:

# schedule the job to be run 3 days from now

# schedule the job to be run at a specific date/time
time_to_run =, 8, 24, 12, 0, 0) # Aug 24, 2023 at 12:00PM

The perform_in method schedules a job to be performed after a certain amount of time, specified as an argument. The perform_at method schedules a job to be performed at a specific time, provided as a Time object.

However, if you need to dynamically set the schedule based on some external configuration or criteria, you might want to control Sidekiq’s schedule at runtime.

This is possible using the sidekiq-scheduler’s dynamic schedule feature:

Sidekiq.set_schedule('MyWorker', {
  'every' => ['1m'], # run every minute
  'class' => 'MyWorker',
  'queue' => 'default'

You can call Sidekiq.set_schedule from anywhere in your application (for example, in a Rails initializer or a config file) and it will update the schedule in memory.

Remember to enable the dynamic setting in your Sidekiq configuration:

:dynamic: true

You might need to call Sidekiq.reload_schedule! after you change the schedule to ensure the new schedule gets loaded.

Remember that these dynamic schedules will be reset if the Sidekiq process restarts, as they’re only kept in memory. If you want to persist these dynamic schedules, you’d need to store them in some kind of persistent storage (like a database or a file) and then load them into Sidekiq when your application starts.

Hope this helps!

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