
How to deployement Angular v17 in apps services?

Hi everybody šŸ˜Š How is the procedure to deploy an Angular version 17 project in the application service (Apps)? Greetings, Yan

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
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ā€¢ January 2, 2024

Hi there

Deploying an Angular version 17 project on DigitalOceanā€™s App Platform involves a few key steps. The App Platform provides a straightforward way to deploy web applications directly from your source code repository. Hereā€™s a general guide to help you get started:

1. Build Your Angular Project

Before deploying, make sure your Angular project is ready for production. Run the build command to create a production build of your project:

ng build --prod

This command compiles your Angular application into output files that are optimized for production and places them in the dist/ directory.

2. Push Your Code to a Git Repository

If you havenā€™t already, initialize a Git repository in your project folder and push your code to GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Include the dist/ directory in your repository.

3. Create a New App on DigitalOcean App Platform

  • Go to the App Platform: Log in to your DigitalOcean account and navigate to the App Platform section.
  • Create a New App: Click on ā€œCreate Appā€.
  • Choose Your Source: Select the source where your Angular project is hosted (GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket).

4. Configure Your App

  • Select Your Repository: Choose the repository where your Angular project is stored.
  • Configure Your App: DigitalOcean will try to auto-detect the type of application. Since Angular projects are static sites, make sure it is recognized as such. If not, you can manually configure it as a static site. Deploying your Angluar as a static site is essential as there is no need to run it as a service in production.
  • Build and Output Settings: Ensure the build command and output directory are set correctly. For Angular, the output directory is usually dist/your-project-name.

Finally, review all settings, and if everything looks good, click on ā€œLaunch Appā€.

After your app is deployed, you can configure a custom domain via the App Platformā€™s settings if required.

Let me know how it goes!



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