
How to determine the cost of a server

I want to build a game that can support 1000 concurrent players in a server. This game will be a large open world server with a destructible environment that uses 4k textures. ChatGPT recommended 256GB of RAM,2TB SSD, 3.5GHZ clocking speed, and at least 16 cores for the processor. How much would this cost, monthly?

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
August 20, 2023

Heya @49ca4791feb345da81f2e60bdd131e,

For such a huge setup, I’ll recommend you to separate your services in different places.

For instance, separate your Database into a separate droplet or use DigitalOcean’s Managed Database solution:

As for the Droplet, I would assume Memory-Optimized Droplet would be the go to:

You can get the 3x option which grants you 256GB of RAM with 2,340TB SSD and 32vCPUs. $/HR would be $2.47619 and $/MO would be $1,664.00. That would be the initial cost, you’ll need to pay more for bandwidth as well. Droplets include free outbound data transfer, starting at 500 GiB/month for the smallest plan. Bandwidth allowances are determined by the Droplet’s size and type.

Excess data transfer is billed at $0.01 per GiB. Inbound bandwidth to Droplets is always free. To calculate bandwidth costs for your Droplets and databases, use our Bandwidth Calculator.

Having said that, it might be best to contact DigitalOcean Support to see if they can offer you something custom to your needs since that would be a pretty larger setup

Hope that helps!

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
August 31, 2023

However, for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, please refer to the DigitalOcean Pricing Page.

Remember, the cost will depend on the exact specifications of the Droplet or Kubernetes service you choose, based on your requirements. Don’t forget to include the cost for additional services like backups, block storage, or load balancers if you’re planning to utilize them.

You can also always contact our sales team and they will ensure you will receive a quote for the best possible solution.


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