
How to enable firewall for droplet?

How to enable firewall for droplet?

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
August 14, 2023

Hello @shaerif

As mentioned the Cloud Firewalls can be enabled from DigitalOcean’s control panel and firewall services like iptables are managed locally from your droplet.

Both Cloud Firewalls and iptables serve the purpose of protecting your servers by controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic according to predefined rules. However, there are some differences:

  • Cloud Firewalls are provided by DigitalOcean and block traffic at the network level even before it reaches your droplet. They can be easily applied to multiple droplets and are managed through the DigitalOcean Control Panel or API.
  • iptables on the other hand, is a Linux-based firewall that runs on the server itself. It offers more granular control over the traffic rules and also consumes system resources of the droplet.

Often, a combination of both can provide a robust security setup.

For further details, refer the DigitalOcean Documentation on Firewalls and DigitalOcean Documentation on iptables.

Hope that this helps!

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
August 13, 2023

Hi there!

In addition to what has already been mentioned, I could also suggest using a DigitalOcean Cloud Firewall.

The DigitalOcean Cloud Firewalls are a network-based, stateful firewall service for Droplets provided at no additional cost. Cloud firewalls block all traffic that isn’t expressly permitted by a rule.

You can follow the steps on how to add a Droplet to a Cloud Firewall here:

Hope that this helps!



Hi @shaerif,

You can check to see if any firewall rules are active on your Droplet before troubleshooting them further using IPTables. IPTables is a utility program that manages firewalls and is native to all Linux operating systems.

To see if you have any firewall rules in place on your Droplet, run:

iptables -L

You can check the following link How To Set Up a Firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 20.04 | DigitalOcean to configure it! :)

Hope that helps,

Sergio Turpín

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