I setup digital ocean app platform. Ran static site building with pnpm monorepo.
At first run all went great, but at second, when digital ocean took node_modules from cache I received error of empty node_modules folder. I tried install dependencies from building script as it’s describe in article, but this isn’t help. Is it any I can do to fix this currently?
pnpm 9.0.6 installed
[INFO] No file to start server
[INFO] either use 'docker run' to start container or add index.js or server.js
Project contains pnpm-lock.yaml, using pnpm
Reusing cached node_modules from pnpm-lock.yaml
Running custom build command: pnpm run setup && cd apps/private && pnpm run build
> app_name@1.0.0 setup /workspace
> pnpm install --production=false
Scope: all 6 workspace projects
? The modules directories will be removed and reinstalled from scratch. Proceed? (Y/n) ‣ true
> private@0.0.0 build /workspace/apps/private
> tsc && vite build
sh: 1: tsc: not found
ELIFECYCLE Command failed.
WARN Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install?
building: exit status 1
ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1
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We are also experiencing issues deploying our pnpm monorepo. For us,
doesn’t seem to be installed before thenode_modules
are attempted to be installed.Hi there,
Quick update here in case that anyone comes across this in the future.
DigitalOcean have updated the NodeJS buildpack for App Platform.
The buildpack now supports the PNPM package manager. For more information and configuration options, see the buildpack’s documentation page.
Hope that this helps!
I’m having a similar issue, and it’s not a monorepo: