
How to Setup Redundancy for Droplet Downtime

Hi all, Fairly new to the world of server management. I am attempting to setup a relatively simple server using a DO droplet. However, it is fairly important that the server have minimal downtime periods/ failures. I have found some sources discussing about how to monitor for droplet failures, but I am unsure if there is a way of introducing failover or high availability methods directly to droplets? If so, how would I do this? Otherwise, what is the standard method of achieving this using droplets?

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 10, 2023


On top of what’s been mentioned already, another option is using DigitalOcean Kubernetes (K8s) service, which inherently provides high availability mechanisms. It would require some time investment to set up and maintain though.

Please note: For setting up failover between Droplets, you need to make sure both the Droplets are configured in a way that one can take over the other without issues.

Hope that this helps!

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 9, 2023

Hi there,

In addition to what has already been mentioned, here is a great guide on how to get started with High Availability:

high availability

An alternative option is to use the DigitalOcean App Platform, where you could easily scale up your services by adding extra containers without any manual configuration:

Hope that this helps!



Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 8, 2023

Hey @philipmallinger,

High availability (HA) is a characteristic of a system that aims to ensure an agreed level of operational performance, usually uptime, for a higher-than-normal period. Failover is the process of automatically, or manually, moving an application to a standby server during a failure or service event to preserve its uptime. Both of these concepts are important in production environments where downtime can lead to loss of revenue or users.

Here are several strategies you can employ to achieve high availability and failover with DigitalOcean Droplets:

  1. Load Balancers: DigitalOcean provides managed load balancers that distribute incoming traffic across multiple Droplets to ensure that your application remains available and reliable. If a Droplet becomes unavailable, the load balancer redirects traffic to the remaining healthy Droplets. This can help achieve high availability and automatic failover.

  2. Floating IPs: Floating IPs are IP addresses that can be instantly moved from one Droplet to another. This can be very useful for achieving failover. If a Droplet becomes unavailable, you can reroute the Floating IP to a standby Droplet to maintain availability.

  3. Droplet Backups and Snapshots: Regularly creating backups and snapshots of your Droplets can help protect your data from being lost in the event of a failure. DigitalOcean provides automated backups that can be enabled for any Droplet. You can also manually take snapshots at any time.

  4. Databases: If you are using a database in your application, consider using a managed database cluster, such as DigitalOcean Managed Databases, which offers automatic failover. If the primary node fails, a standby node takes over, minimizing downtime.

  5. Monitoring and Alerts: DigitalOcean provides monitoring services that can alert you if your Droplet is using too much CPU, Disk I/O, or Bandwidth. This can help you detect problems early and prevent failures.

  6. Use Multiple Datacenters: You can create Droplets in multiple regions and use DNS to route traffic to different datacenters. This can help protect against failure of a single datacenter.

  7. Infrastructure as Code: Consider using tools like Terraform to manage your DigitalOcean resources. This allows you to quickly and reliably recreate your infrastructure, which can be very useful in the event of a failure.

Remember that achieving high availability and failover usually involves trade-offs in terms of complexity and cost. The best strategy depends on your specific needs, including your tolerance for downtime, your budget, and your team’s technical expertise.

What I’ll recommend for you to start is using the Monitoring and Alerts: part and test it out.

Hope that helps!

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