
How to start ExpressVPN client from Digital Ocean Droplet

Can i possibly connect to expressvpn from a droplet? when i try to do that i automatically lose connection to the machine

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September 22, 2023

Hello @43742e0a278c4aa39105acbdca545e

There is no limitation from DigitalOcean’s side that will prevent you from accessing another server by default.

  • Check Network Configuration: Ensure that the droplet’s network configuration is correct. Double-check your droplet’s firewall rules, security group settings (if you’re using DigitalOcean Managed Databases), and any other networking-related settings.

  • ExpressVPN Compatibility: Make sure that ExpressVPN is compatible with the operating system and version running on your droplet. Check if there are any specific requirements or compatibility issues that need to be addressed.

  • Server Location: Try connecting to an ExpressVPN server location that is geographically closer to your droplet. A server that is physically closer might provide a more stable connection.

  • ExpressVPN Client Configuration: Ensure that you have correctly configured the ExpressVPN client on your droplet. Double-check the username, password, and any other required settings.

  • Logs and Error Messages: Review any logs or error messages generated by the ExpressVPN client. These can provide valuable information about why the connection is failing.

  • Firewall and Security Rules: Check if there are any firewall rules or security settings on your droplet that may be blocking the VPN connection. Adjust these settings as needed to allow the VPN traffic.

  • Network Stability: Ensure that your droplet has a stable internet connection. If the connection is intermittent or slow, it can cause VPN connection issues.

  • ExpressVPN Support: If you continue to experience issues, consider reaching out to ExpressVPN’s customer support. They can provide assistance and guidance specific to their service.

  • Alternative VPN Solutions: If you are unable to resolve the issue with ExpressVPN, you may consider trying an alternative VPN service to see if the problem persists. Sometimes, compatibility issues can be specific to a particular VPN provider.

Hope that this helps!

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