to run openvpn I need tun/tap, how to start it ?
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Hi there,
Noticed that you mentioned that this is already running? Did you sort it out and if so would you mind sharing this with the community here?
What I personally do when setting up an OpenVPN instance is to use the 1-Click installation from the DigitalOcean Marketplace:
- Bobby
In case you still need to enable tun/tap,
1. Check if TUN/TAP is Enabled
First, check if the TUN/TAP module is already enabled:
If you see the output “File descriptor in bad state”, it means TUN/TAP is enabled. If you see “No such file or directory”, it means TUN/TAP is not enabled.
2. Load the TUN Module
If TUN/TAP is not enabled, you need to load the TUN module:
You can verify that the module is loaded:
You should see an output like:
tun 28672 0
3. Ensure TUN/TAP Loads on Boot
To ensure that the TUN module loads on boot, you need to add it to
I assume this is now sorted, I’ll like to mention the following. Run the following command to see if the TUN device is available:
If it returns
File descriptor in bad state
, it means the TUN/TAP driver is available.Additionally, once OpenVPN is running, verify the TUN interface is up:
You should see an interface named
with an IP address assigned.Regards