
How to verify domain name?

I need to get a string after verifying the domain name like GCP, and then go to cloudflare to configure it as a TXT record. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
April 30, 2024

Heya, @ec8fa426417848658d8206e779f25e

You just need to add the CNAME record in CloudFlare and once the DNS has propagated the domain name will pass the DNS validation.

This article should help you to add the record:

Hope that this helps!

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
May 6, 2024

Hi there,

Can you share a bit more information on which service you are using exactly? Usually the service that you are using will provide you with the steps that you need to follow including the TXT record.

On the DigitalOcean side, if you are using the DigitalOcean DNS then, you can add that TXT record there. But if you are using Cloudflare and want to verify another external service, then there is no need to make any changes on the DigitalOcean side.

Usually, the process looks as follows, let’s take the Google search console as the example:

  1. Go to the Google Search Console.
  2. Add a new property.
  3. Choose the “Domain” verification method or select an existing property.
  4. Copy the verification string provided (usually in the form of google-site-verification=<string>).
  • Other Platforms:
    • For other services, you will receive similar instructions with a unique verification string depending on the exact service that you are using.

Once you have the TXT record, you will need to add it to your active DNS zone. This is the zone where your nameservers are pointing to. So if you are using Cloudflare follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Cloudflare:

    • Go to your Cloudflare account and select the domain to which you want to add the verification record.
  2. Navigate to DNS Settings:

    • Click on the “DNS” tab to see the current DNS records.
  3. Add a TXT Record:

    • Click on “Add record”.
    • Select “TXT” as the type.
    • Set “Name” to @ (root domain) or any subdomain (like www).
    • Paste the verification string into the “Content” field.
    • Set TTL to “Auto” or a specific value (like 5 minutes).
  4. Save the Record:

    • Click on “Save” or “Add Record” to apply the changes.

Once the TXT record has beend added go to the Google Search Console and click “Verify” to confirm that the TXT record is now visible.

Basically each provider will have specific instructions on how to verify.

Let me know if you have any questions!



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