
I need help redesigning the services I use on Digital Ocean


I am a long-time Digital Ocean customer. My only goal is to serve different websites, built with different technologies (either php, node, python, etc depending on the project).

When I created my first droplet, it made sense to me to just run a single linux VM with a LAMP stack, but managing this setup is now limiting my work, especially because I am not a system/network engineer, and year after year everything in becoming less stable.

I have been able to upgrade everything to Ubuntu 22.04, and decided to move all the mysql data to a DO managed DB. Next step would be to move all the localhosts that are now running on the VM to a Dokku od Docker droplet as single apps.

But I also have apps that upload, save and serve static content, such as images or small files.

That said:

  1. Are DO spaces a good fit to serve this kind of static content? Or is there any other DO product that better fits this goal?
  2. I have a very rough sketch of what I was thinking to obtain, can be seen here: Anyone who actually knows about this kind of things can please tell me if this looks crazy or might work? The amount of traffic generated is scarce, because I am just publishing personal projects with a very limited audience (the goal is to build and maintain portfolio since all the work I do is generally protected by very strict NDAs)

Thank you in advance to anyone who will answer :) Simone

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Hey Simone 👋

Your proposed architecture looks great, and I think Spaces, along with a Managed Database cluster would be good choices for your needs.

Also, I think that using Dokku is also a good approach. Here are some pros and cons that I could think of:

Dokku is like a mini-Heroku built on top of Docker. It allows for easy deployment of applications in various languages without the complexity of managing a full Kubernetes cluster. If you’re comfortable with Docker and want a platform that can handle multiple types of applications, Dokku is a good choice.

DigitalOcean Functions is a serverless compute platform. It’s best for tasks that can run in the background, are stateless, or can be triggered by events. The pricing model is also different; you’re charged based on the compute time your functions use, rather than a flat monthly rate for a Droplet. Depending on your applications, this could either save you money or cost more but in some cases, especially when running full-fledged apps it might be better to stick to Docker or the App Platform.

There is a 1-Click installation for Dokku so you could take it for a spin and see if it fits your needs:

Your plan doesn’t sound crazy at all. It sounds like a natural evolution from a monolithic LAMP stack to a more microservices-based approach. Given that your main goal is to maintain a portfolio, the infrastructure doesn’t need to be overly complex!

Feel free to share more details about your apps, I’m happy to brainstorm further!



I was thinking that maybe I can use DO Functions instead of a DOKKU droplet maybe?

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