
I received an warning email from DO stating my redis instance isnt secure and is accessible by any outsider

The advice I got from DO is the following:

" Remediation of this issue will take just a few minutes and is relatively straightforward. You will need to open /etc/redis/redis.conf and uncomment (remove the “#”) or modify the line beginning with:

    #bind ::1

Afterwards, restart redis with:

    sudo systemctl restart redis


However, I did not install redis directly on the droplet itself. My droplet has docker installed and I use portainer to menage all my containers, so my redis, postgres, backend, pgadmin, redisinsight are all docker containers in the same network. So I am not sure how to secure my redis instance given that these instruction are for people who install redis directly in the droplet and not by containers.

Summary: How to protect my redis instance container from the outside world and only be accessible by localhost?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
October 17, 2023

Hi there,

The most straightforward way of securing your instance without making any configuration changes would be to use a firewall. You could use a Cloud Firewall at no additional cost and just close down the Redis port:

If you don’t want to use a firewall there are a couple of other things that you could do but those would require some changes to the existing running container.

Given that you’re running Redis inside a Docker container, the security configuration differs slightly from a Redis instance installed directly on the host.

If your Redis container and other application containers (e.g., backend, pgadmin) are on the same Docker network, they can communicate with each other without exposing Redis to the outside world. So before making any of the following changes, make sure that your containers are in the same network.

Once that is done, here’s how you can secure your Redis container:

  1. Bind Redis to Localhost Inside the Container:

    Redis’ default configuration binds to all available network interfaces ( You should change this so that Redis only binds to localhost ( inside the container. This ensures that Redis can only be accessed from within the container itself.

    Modify your Docker run command or Docker Compose file to include the Redis configuration binding:

    • Using docker run:

      docker run ... redis redis-server --bind
    • Using docker-compose.yml:

          image: redis
          command: redis-server --requirepass yourpassword
  2. Remove Ports Exposed to Host:

    If you’ve exposed Redis ports to the host (i.e., you’ve mapped them using -p with docker run or the ports directive in docker-compose.yml), you should remove this to prevent external access.

    If using docker-compose.yml, change:

    ports: - "6379:6379"


    expose: - "6379"

    The expose directive ensures that the port is available only to other containers in the same Docker network and not to the host or the outside world.

Hope that this helps!



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