I use Amazon SES for emails, but sometimes I need my DO server as a backup, which needs port 25 working alright, but for gmail, I always get this Connection time out:
postqueue -p
-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
14BA142B5AB 1181 Fri May 10 20:32:44 contato@culturalivre.com
(connect to alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25: Connection timed out)
Could you please, allow me to work with it? Thank you!
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Hey @diegplblog,
In our public community, we aim to answer open questions about anything SysAdmin, DigitalOcean and beyond. But we don’t really have any access to your account.
The best thing that you can do is to reach out to the DigitalOcean support team who will be able to further advise you:
- Bobby.
Heya @diegplblog,
I’ll recommend contacting DigitalOcean support and writing your case there. We in the community don’t have access to your account and as such won’t be able to assist you with this :(
Hope that helps! - KFSys.
Our new disabled-by-default SMTP policy went into effect June 22, 2022, for all new accounts. While our Security team will still be monitoring spam activity, we believe this decision will benefit our customers and the broader internet community in our shared quest to minimize spam
Dedicated email deliverability platforms are better at handling deliverability factors like IP reputation. To send mail from DigitalOcean, we recommend using SendGrid:
Hope that this helps!