
Is it not possible at all to send emails from DO 1-click RocketChat to its users' emails?

I am aware that since 2022, DO restricts its droplets with respect to SMTP server functionality. I understand why this could make sense, but many of the apps offered as 1-click-apps in droplets require basic SMTP setup to work properly.

This is the case with RocketChat, which I deployed as a 1-click-app in a droplet. In order to enable email notifications (e.g., when new messages are posted) and invite new users via email, I need to be able to send emails, otherwise my RocketChat instance is close to useless. Any way to solve this?

For some background about my SMTP setup, I have three servers each using a different custom domain. I tried all three servers and none of them worked. I am otherwise able to send emails with all three servers.

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March 30, 2024

Heya, @eslksw

Our new disabled-by-default SMTP policy goes into effect today, June 22, 2022, for all new accounts. While our Security team will still be monitoring spam activity, we believe this decision will benefit our customers and the broader internet community in our shared quest to minimize spam.

As a part of this new policy, we have launched partnerships within the DigitalOcean Marketplace for routing mail from DigitalOcean Infrastructure. Our partners have a dedicated focus on email delivery so as a DigitalOcean customer you can be assured that your emails will be delivered.

Additionally you should be able to configure the SMTP to work with a third-party server to deliver your emails.


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