
Is my Nodejs 6.10.3 16.04 Virus infected?

Installed Sails with Nodejs. When visiting the site I received a modal that informed me that my computer had virus and a voice said it was from microsoft.

Anyone heard that?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 26, 2023

Hi there,

The issue you’re describing doesn’t necessarily mean that your Node.js or your computer is infected with a virus. It sounds more like a common scam that you may have encountered on the internet.

Scammers often create webpages that display scary messages like these. They try to convince you that your computer is infected with a virus, often impersonating legitimate organizations like Microsoft, in order to trick you into taking some action. This could be downloading a “fix” that’s actually malware, providing them with remote access to your machine, or even just providing them with your credit card details to pay for a “service” to remove the supposed virus.

In general, legitimate services like Microsoft will not inform you about a virus infection through a web pop-up or a voice message. These kinds of alerts are almost always scams.

If you believe your system might be infected, follow these steps:

  1. Scan Your System: Use an antivirus program to scan your system. There are many options, both free and paid, that you can choose from.

  2. Update Your Software: Make sure all of your software, including your operating system, web browser, and any other programs you use regularly, are up to date. Updates often include security fixes that can help protect your system.

  3. Change Passwords: If you suspect that you’ve been a victim of a scam or your system has been compromised, change your passwords to prevent further damage.

  4. Be Cautious: Always be skeptical of any unsolicited communication, whether it’s an email, a pop-up on a website, or a phone call, that tells you about a problem with your computer.

  5. Backup your data: Regularly backing up your data can help protect you from losing important files in case of a malware attack.

DigitalOcean provides a backup service which creates automatic system-level backups of Droplets. You can restore your Droplet to a previous state if you suspect it is compromised. Here are the steps to restore from a backup:



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