Deployed Laravel 10 project and it shows index page but when I click e.g. news, about us … it return 404. I check links in inspect and here I have http://ip-address/news, http://ip-address/about-us. How can I fix it? As chatGpt told me for the fix it should change permissions, I try it but doesn’t works
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Besides permissions as GPT suggested, this could be related to a few other things:
Ensure that Apache’s mod_rewrite module is enabled. You can enable it by running the following command:
After enabling, restart Apache to apply the changes:
Laravel uses a .htaccess file in the public directory to rewrite URLs. Ensure the .htaccess file exists and is correctly configured. Here’s the default content for Laravel’s .htaccess file:
Ensure this file is present in your
directory.Check your Apache site configuration to allow overrides from the .htaccess file. Edit your site’s configuration file (usually located in
) and ensure the<Directory>
directive for your site’s document root (usually thepublic
directory of your Laravel project) looks like this:Replace
with the actual path to your project’spublic
directory.After making changes to the Apache configuration or the .htaccess file, restart Apache to apply the changes:
Let me know how it goes! Best,