
Link Kubernetes with a existing droplet

For my master’s thesis, I have to implement Kubernetes in an existing project with 5 droplets and analyse the performance gains.

I’ve created a DOKS cluster with a node pool (autoscale, 1 to 2 nodes, Memory Optimised EvCPU 32 GB RAM). I want it to orchestrate an existing droplet (32 GB Memory / 100 GB Disk). To do this, I’ve created a tag that I’ve mentioned in the cluster and in the droplet. Since then, when I run the operational readiness check, I have 1 issue found: Set resource requests and limits for container konnectivity-agent to prevent resource contention, Resources pod: konnectivity-agent-8knhb (konnectivity-agent)).

I tried to modify the CPU and memory capacities of this pod, but it was impossible. I don’t know how to solve this situation. I’ve already deleted and recreated the cluster, but nothing changes.

Can anyone help me?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
August 5, 2023

Hi there,

This sounds like a great project for your thesis!

Did you manually create a standard Droplet? Keep in mind that when using the DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes offering, the worker nodes are built on Droplets, but unlike standalone Droplets, worker nodes are managed with the Kubernetes command-line client kubectl and are not accessible with SSH. On both the control plane and the worker nodes, DigitalOcean maintains the system updates, security patches, operating system configuration and installed packages.

All the worker nodes within a node pool have identical resources, but each node pool can have a different worker configuration. This lets you have different services on different node pools, where each pool has the RAM, CPU, and attached storage resources the service requires.

You can create and modify node pools at any time. Then the Droplet Worker nodes are automatically deleted and respawned when needed, and you can manually recycle worker nodes, but you don’t have to manually create separate Droplets.

Nodes in the node pool will inherit the node pool’s naming scheme when you first create a node pool, however, renaming a node pool will not rename the nodes. Nodes will inherit the new naming scheme only when they are recycled or the node pool is resized, creating new nodes.

Hope that this helps!



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